Welcome to Jabberwocky!
Jabberwocky is Aragon’s literary & arts magazine. For the first time, the magazine is being hosted on an online format and is accepting many new mediums of art. We’re committed to reaching as diverse of a group of students as possible and encourage you to submit work regardless of previous artistic experience!
We publish all forms of writing, photography, and visual and performing part. We also take staffulty submissions! Some examples of submissions we encourage are critical essays, photos of sculpture, clips of vocal and instrumental performance, dance videos, and creative work in all foreign languages.
You can submit a piece by visiting bit.ly/jabberwockyahs or clicking the submission button below. Submissions are rolling, so there are no deadlines! You can fill out as many submission forms as you would like.
Jabberwocky meets Fridays at lunch in Ms. Schwartz’s room (120). We’re always looking for new members, so feel free to stop by anytime! If you have any questions, you can email jabberwockyahs@gmail.com.