“because i love you”
A micro memoir by Anonymous (12).
because i love you, i smile
because i love you, i laugh
because i love you, i am happy
but because i love you, i cry
but because i love you, i hurt
so because i love you, i must let you go
i don't want to but i have to
you must grow and flourish on your own without me weighing you down
you must find true happiness and peace with yourself before me
you must
because i love you
because i love you the pain is bearable
because i love you, i am strong
because i love you, i will learn to smile again
because i love you, i will learn to laugh again
because i love you, i will be happy again
but because i love you, it's so hard for me to let you go. i just want to hear those words one more time, i just want to hold you one more time, i just want to wake up every morning and look into your eyes and say baby i love you, as you pull in me closer to kiss me on the forehead and say you're all i ever wanted. but yet this is all just a fever dream in my reality of life, love is a utopia, a place where everyone and everything is perfect.
we are not part of that
we are only human
where none of us are perfect.
but because i love you, a four letter word has become so powerful. a word that i turned into a drug, i am addicted to love, not just any love, your love. without your love i go through withdrawal i cry and i think to myself
“what did i do wrong?”
“did i use it with the wrong person?”
“am i loving someone that will never love me back?”
“is it too soon?”
“what if you never loved me in the first place?”
what is love, but a game of chess where our hearts are the kings that must be protected but our pawns are our happy memories.
the weakest piece
what is love, but pain
what is love, but a game
because i love you, i mustn't fall in love because everything that falls breaks