Shock and Awe

By A Poem Guy

Have you ever felt rage?

So strong, so dangerous.

Stripping away the dreams of the masses 

Destroying the dreams of the few.

Rage eats at you.

Tribute and transfixion,

We let rage yank us in the direction it wants.

Our deepest feelings surface in a tidal wave of anger.

To drown those around us

And rip them apart, you mangle.


It comes out like a Jack in the Box!

Surfaces in an instant!

Shuts the door and LOCKS IT!

Nowhere to run so drop dead!

You got no place to hide: No bed.

Trapped like a dead dog in a cage,

It’s done its job,

Put people down,

So people put it down.

And the cage crashes on top,

No more body to save.

Dead dog’s now gone.

An aftermath with empty apologies,

Empty words,

Statements to repair a relationship rather than regret your actions.

An “I’m sorry” filled with nothing but lies.

Nothing to show like a pair of shut eyes.

So you run from the issue,

Hiding behind the vise of sincerity you back up from the issue.

Scared of the issue?

Why? No one else here to bring back up your issue

You lied and got away with it, that’s the issue.

Control yourself,

An apology won’t work again.


Today by A Poem Guy


Captain by A Rusted Cog